My name is Déborah, I’m 20 years old, I’m a current sports student at university and I’m from French Guiana.

Since I’ve been eight, adventure and trips have been a part of my life. During my first year in Strasbourg, I decided to do a civic service at UNIS VERS le SPORT (UVS International’s local level), an association that enabled me to blossom and to discover myself beyond my expectations. Sports, the social aspect, being able to meet new people and discover new activities, human contacts, mutual support, being able to learn and apply knowledge: the whole mix suited me well ! I took the opportunity given by the association to involve myself in a humanitarian trip in Nepal. I signed up and talked about it with my friends and one of them decided to go with me.

This trip gave me the opportunity to discover another part of the world that surrounds us. We’ve been tested, we pushed our limits every day. We renovated a school so different tasks were scheduled (painting, sandpapering, cleaning...) but it was always done in a great mood and even sometimes with music. We were hosted by village families, close to the school. We were 4 in the same house: Agnès, Eliot, Medhi and I. All trip long, we had shared moments of fatigue, happiness but also points of view about group cohesion. My biggest memory is the school’s fete ! So many emotions, it gave me goose bumps, all the kids were smiling ! I also had the occasion to make a huge number of sincere, unique and unforgettable meetings!! (hadn't you Anna?)

This trip brought me a lot of satisfaction, an actuel knowledge accomplishment, a meeting with myself and the possibility to discover a unknown part of the world that surrounds our own world. Today, I'm on my way, thirsty of knowledge, while staying humble and accepting things as they are, as they come.



voyage solidaire open Nepal 2017



voyage solidaire open Nepal 2017



voyage solidaire open Nepal 2017



voyage solidaire open Nepal 2017